There’s no getting away from it, a round of golf takes bloody ages and it’s taking longer and longer. Recent research has shown that the average golf round now takes just over four hours which is an absolute travesty.

As our lives get busier, with more diverse ways to spend our time and money, golf needs to work out how to keep us all interested, and sure things like ‘Super 6’ are a nice piece of innovation but only really works if you’re a member somewhere and your course has some loops sympathetic to the format.

So if you’re short on time 9 holes is the obvious answer. It’s long enough to get your rhythm going and short enough to cut your loses if you’re having a horror show. We know, we know, it’s not the traditional idea of a round of golf (and if you’ve got the time 18 is a dream), but here at Big Draw we’ve never been about tradition.
We’re about changing the game and making golf gear that you’d feel good wearing (or using) both on and off the course and our hugely popular first shirt ‘The Fife’ is now back on sale, and we’ve followed that with a stack of new t-shirt designs - all available on our site now.
Some of you have also been asking whether we’re going to be making hooodies and sweatshirt which we’re looking into now so watch this space.
Please reply to this if there’s anything else you’d love to see us make
Tip for the week: Stay just behind the group in front, not just in front of the group behind.
Now for the play off holes
Read this:
Listen to this:
Practice this: Give more gimme’s. They can shave up to 15 minutes off your round
Thanks for reading, let’s change the game.