Malcolm Gladwell famously said that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in any given skill - with the caveat that you have to practice in the right way.

If we break that down into timings that normal people like us can understand, that’s about 7 years.
Who on earth (apart from babies) has 7 years of their life available to them to master a given skill ?
But what about hitting 10,000 golf balls ? Surely your game would improve after hitting 10,000 golf balls, wouldn’t it ?

How long would that take ?
Well, glad you asked.
- Let's assume an average of 30 seconds per shot (including setup, hitting the ball, and getting ready for the next shot).
- If you spend 30 seconds per shot, you can hit about 120 shots per hour (60 minutes / 0.5 minutes per shot).
- To hit 10,000 shots at a rate of 120 shots per hour, it would take approximately 83.33 hours.
Or to put that into a practice routine;
- If you practiced for 1 hour per day - it would take you 83.33 days
- If you practiced for 2 hours per day - it would take you 41.67 days
- If you practiced for 4 hours per day - it would take you 20.83 days
So, in theory, with as little as an hour a day, your golf game could be dramatically different in two and a half months.
Think you could do that ?
What if you just did it for a week ?
Let’s make it interesting.
If you can show us that you’ve done an hours practice, every day over the coming 7 days, we’ll give you a 12% discount on anything in our range.
You just have to be honest with us.
Tip for the week: Practice doesn’t have to be perfect.
The play off holes
(Links to interesting stuff relevant to headline)
Read this: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell book.
Outliers: The Story of Success
Listen to this: 10k hours podcast
Practice this: Hit 9 shots with every club in your bag at the range. It should take you just over an hour and you’ll have hit 8 more 4 irons than you did last week.
Thanks for reading, let’s change the game.