I started writing this (in my head) as I sat sweating in a meeting in my other job in central London. Stuck in a seriously under-air-conditioned office whilst someone droned on about margins and market share I inevitably found my mind wandering to the golf course and a thought struck me.

Don’t get me wrong we all love the run we get off a well-timed drive, bounding us towards Bryson territory, but what if you didn’t hit it straight (like I normally do) and now it’s running towards the rough
Next up we have clammy hands. Don’t tell me you’ve never found yourself losing grip of an iron into the green due to a combo of sweat and sun cream.

And finally we love a firm, pacey green, it makes it feel like we’re playing at Augusta in the 90’s, but what if your distance control with the putter is piss poor ?
See ?
Summer golf isn’t all sunshine and roses, but it’s better than hail and hurricanes innit ?
Quick question, whilst I’ve got you, if you reply with “Big Draw” to this email we’ll give you 9% off anything on our site.
Anyway, summers here and you may as well look good whilst you’re playing, which is why we made The Fife.
Available now.

As a subscriber you can get your hands on one of these beauties before everyone else, and give a member a knowing wink. They know what’s really going on.
Tip for the week: Use the Texas wedge. Chip and runs can be hard enough at the best of times, let alone when the ground is harder than Koepkas biceps. Use the putter from the fringe, hell, use it from 50 yards, you’ll be amazed at how effective it can be.
Here are this weeks play off holes:
Read and then play this: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/oct/02/desert-golfing-mobile-games-angry-birds
Listen to this: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/episode-16-the-open-championship-7-18-23/id1680419201?i=1000621582721
Practice this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw8RQV4GGJE
Thanks for reading, let’s change the game.